Saturday, June 27, 2009

Saturday June 27, 2009

Strictly speaking from 'Base Excess' point of view, what is the target value while doing volume resuscitation ?

*Please note, in clinical practice all factors and markers should be considered. This is purely an academic exercise.

Answer: 2 mmol

Base excess is defined as the amount of protons (H+ ions) required to return the pH of blood to atleast 7.35 if the partial pressure of carbon dioxide was adjusted to normal. It is a parameter which indicates the acid-base balance in the body. Base excess is affected by blood lactate, with which it has a high correlation. Normal base excess values are between −2.3 and +2.3 mmol.

If ABG is not available (which usually provides automated BE), you can quickly calculate Base Excess with HCO3 and PH from venous blood

B.E. = (HCO3 - 24 + 15 (PH - 7.4)